TFT House Rules: Jobs


Each kind of job will have certain special characteristics, but a few are shared by all jobs.


A job's risk is a set of numbers written in the form x/y. A 3d roll is compared to the risk numbers. If the roll is less than or equal to the first number (x), then the PC did something special that week and earns a bonus amount of experience points as follows:
Roll Experience Point Bonus
3 5 x total of present attributes
4 4 x total of present attributes
5 3 x total of present attributes
6-8 2 x total of present attributes
9-10 1 x total of present attributes
11+ 1/2 x total of present attributes

In addition, a bonus of money may also be earned at the GM's discretion.

If the roll is greater than or equal to the second number (y), then the PC did something disastrous. A second roll is made against the PC's highest attribute. If this roll is successful, the PC take damage as listed under Damage-Save, otherwise as listed under Damage-Fail. If 2x( ) is shown, roll the amount in parenthesis twice.

Minimum Requirements

The minimum attributes and/or talents that are required for this job. Some jobs have no requirements.

Roll to Find

The roll that must be made to find the job. If the roll is failed, the PC spent the whole week looking and finds nothing.

Minimum Weeks

The minimum number of weeks that the PC must be willing to work. If variable (e.g. 1d+3), roll after the job is found.


Base pay for the job. Often jobs will have bonus pay for certain circumstances. If two numbers are listed, the second is the maximum pay with bonuses.


The lifestyle the job provides automatically. If the PC wants to arrange for lodging and food separately, add 1/3 of the total cost of the provided lifestyle to the base pay.


Most jobs provide a few experience points for each successful week of work.


Duty Risk Damage Fail Damage Save Roll to Find Minimum Weeks Minimum Attributes (ST+DX) Minimum Skills Pay XP / Week Notes
Garrison 4/17 2x(2d-1) 1d+1 2d/IQ 1d 22 1 weapon $5 (8) 1
Guard 1 4/17 2x(2d) 1d+2 3d/IQ 1d+1 24 1 weapon 1 combat $8 (12) 2
Guard 2 5/16 2x(2d) 2d-1 3d/IQ 1d+2 26 1 weapon 1 combat $10 (15) 3
Active 5/15 2x(2d+1) 2d-1 3d/IQ-1 1d+2 27 1 weapon 1 combat $15 (20) 3
Caravan 6/14 2x(2d+1) 2d 3d/IQ 1d+4 28 1 weapon 2 combat $20 (25) 4
War 1 11/9 3d-3 2d+1   2d 2d-2    2d 2d/IQ 2d* 22 1 weapon $15 (25) 8 * = total duration of the war, if war is actually occurring
War 2 12/8 3d-2 2d+2   2d 2x(2d) 2d/IQ-1 2d* 24 1 weapon 1 combat $25 (35) 10 * = as above

All mercenary jobs provide poor lifestyle.


+$1 for each 2 combat skills beyond minimum.
+$1 if ST+DX is 5 greater than minimum, +$2 if 10 greater.
+$1 if rapid fire missile weapon.
+$2 if Reptile Man, Gargoyle or Giant
+$1 if 5 or more points of armor, +$2 for 7 points or more.
+25% for mounted (after all other bonuses), but subtract 2 from IQ in Roll to Find.
+50% for flying mount, but add 1d to Roll to Find.

Mercenary Officers

As above with the following changes:

Rank Modifications
Sergeant +25% base and max. pay, -1 IQ on Roll to Find, must have +4 Min. Attributes, 2 years of combat experience
Lieutenant +50% base and max. pay, -2 IQ on Roll to Find, must have +6 Min. Attributes, 2 years as sergeant, Tactics
Captain +75% base and max. pay, +1d on Roll to Find, must have +7 Min. Attributes, 1 year as Lieutenant, Literacy

Officers have low-middle lifestyle, except captains who have middle lifestye.


Risk Damage Fail Damage Save Minimum DX Minimum IQ Pay XP / Week Lifestyle
3/17 (18) 2d 1d 11 $4 + 1d 2 poor
3/16 (17) 2d 1d+1 12 $7 + 1d 2 poor
4/15 (17) 2x(2d-1) 1d+2 14 $8 + 2d 3 low-middle
4/14 (16) 2x(2d-1) 2d-1 15 $11 + 2d 3 low-middle
5/13 (16) 2x(2d) 2d 17 $12 + 3d 3 middle
5/12 (16) 2x(2d+1) 2d+1 18 15 $15 + 3d 4 high-middle

In addition to the damage saving roll, if a thief fails a job risk roll, a 3d/IQ roll should be made to avoid arrest.

The risk of a thieves job may be changed and the pay increased by certain factors. Sum up all the relevant values of risk reduction listed below and drop any fractions. add this number to the upper risk number. the modified risk number can never be higher tdan the number in parenthesis. the pay increase may never be greater tdan 1/2 of the fixed pay.

Skill / Factor Risk Reduction Pay Increase
Master Thief 3/4 +$3
Detect Traps 1/2
Alertness 1/2
Acute Hearing 1/2
Spying 3/4 +$1
Literacy 1/4
Mimic 1/4
Silent Movement 3/4
Climbing 1/4 +$1
Remove Traps 1/2
Acrobatics 1/2 +$1
Architect / Builder 1/2
Ventriloquist 1/4
Disguise 3/4
MA >= 14 1
MA 12 1/2
MA 8 -1/4
MA <= 6 -3/4
Recognize Value -- +$1
Assess Value -- +$2



Rank Min. Weeks Min. IQ Min. Attributes Pay Lifestyle Title Notes
Student - 7 28 - poor Student
Probationer - 8 30 - poor
Neophyte - 9 32 $5 poor Apprentice Must know Aid
Zelator - 9 33 $6 poor Must know Aid
Practicus 2 + 1d 10 34 $10 low-middle Journeyman Must know Aid
Philosophus 2 + 1d 11 35 $12 low-middle Must know Aid
Dominium Liminus 2 + 1d 12 36 $15 low-middle Must know Aid
Adeptus Minor of the Outer Circle 3 + 1d 14 38 $20 middle Adept
Adeptus Minor of the Inner Circle 3 + 1d 16 40 $25 middle
Adeptus Major 4 + 1d 18 42 $30 middle
Adeptus Exemptus 4 + 1d 20 44 $40 high-middle
Bade of the Abyss 4 + 1d 22 46 $50 high-middle Sorceror
Magister Templii 3 + 2d 24 48 $60 high-middle
Magus 3 + 2d 27 50 $75 high Mage
Ipsissimus 3 + 2d 30 52 $100 high Archmage

Risk for all wizards is 4/17, XP / Week is 2, Damage-Fail is 2x(2d+1), Damage-Save is 2d.

As mercenaries, count 2 spells as 1 skill. Increase pay by $1.

As thieves, count appropriate spells as 1/4 risk reductions.

Miscellaneous Jobs

Job Risk Damage Fail Damage Save Roll to Find Min. Weeks Pay XP / Week Lifestyle Requirements and Notes
Scribe 3/18 2d-1 1d+1 2d/IQ-1 $(IQ/2) 1 poor Literacy
Scholar 3/18 2d 1d+1 3d/IQ $(IQ) 1 low-middle Scholar
Sage 3/17 2d+1 1d+1 4d/IQ $(IQx2) 2 low-middle Scholar, 5 languages, 1 other applicable talent
Chemist 3/16 2x(2d) 2d 3d/IQ-1 $15+DX 3 low-middle +$5 if also Alchemist
Alchemist 3/16 2x(2d) 2d 3d/IQ-1 $15+DX 3 low-middle +$5 if also Chemist
Animal Handler 4/17 2x(2d) 2d-1 3d/IQ $15 2 poor +$5 if Vet
Animal Trainer 4/16 2x(2d+1) 2d 4d/IQ $20 2 low-middle +$5 if Vet
Healer 4/17 2d+1 1d 2d/IQ $9+3d 3 low-middle
Master Healer 4/17 2d+1 1d 2d/IQ $12+4d 3 low-middle
Armorer 4/17 2x(2d-1) 1d+2 3d/IQ $15 2 poor +$5 if Goldsmith
Master Armorer 4/17 2x(2d-1) 1d+2 3d/IQ-1 $25 2 low-middle +$5 if Goldsmith

Self-employed merchants with their own shops may increase their pay by 25% or $5 (whichever is greater) and their lifestyles by 1 level.


Lifestyle Total Room Board Notes
Bare Subsistence $15 $7 $8 slaves, some apprentices
Poor $30 $14 $16 peasants, common soldiers, unskilled workers
Low-middle $45 $21 $24 yeomen, skilled workers, sergeants
Middle $65 $35 $30 merchants, knights, guild syndics
High-middle $100 $63 $37 wealthy merchants, gentry, landed knights, guild masters
High $140 $84 $56 rich merchants, lesser nobility
Very High $200 $126 $74 nobility